Popeye the Sailor is a fictional cartoon character created by Elzie Crisler Segar. The character first appeared on January 17, 1929, in the daily King Features comic strip Thimble Theatre. (Wikipedia)
Watches the Watchers?
The recent charging of prominent documentarians in British
Columbia court is raising important questions about the ethics of
wildlife videography.
to the Smelt
By monitoring the embryos of a little-studied forage fish,
scientists hope to track and minimize the damaging effects of
pollution in important coastal habitats.
Court rejects environmentalists' bid to halt B.C. port
A Federal Court judge has thrown
out a legal challenge by environmental groups that claimed
allowing the expansion of a massive container facility on British
Columbia's waterfront would threaten the survival of southern
resident killer whales and salmon.
volcano off B.C. coast primed to erupt
The Axial Seamount is not expected to threaten human population
centres but it could help scientists forecast the eruption of more
dangerous volcanoes.
look at the Washington Legislature’s 2025 environmental agenda
A plan to create a state watchdog for the oil industry was
deferred, but bills on recycling, salmon and data centers could
come under consideration.
dams on Oregon’s Willamette River kill salmon. Congress says
it’s time to consider shutting them down
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers said it could make hydroelectric
dams on Oregon’s Willamette River safe for endangered salmon by
building gigantic mechanical traps and hauling baby fish
downstream in tanker trucks. This month, President Joe Biden
signed legislation ordering the Corps to put its plans on hold and
consider a simpler solution: Stop using the dams for electricity.
Salish Sea News: Communicate, Educate, Advocate
Salish Sea Communications: Truth Well Told