Friday, February 28, 2025

Salish Sea News Week in Review February 28 2025

Aloha Skip the Straw Day
The Coral Keepers, a group of nine eighth grade students at Whitehall Middle School in Whitehall, Michigan, founded National Skip the Straw Day with their advisor, Susan Tate, in 2017, "to encourage Americans to give up the straw habit and help spread awareness about the damage caused by disposable plastics." National Skip the Straw Day encourages people to switch to renewable straws or to forgo straws altogether when drinking on the day—or on any day.

Trump wants B.C.’s water: Plausible or one big pipe dream?
The U.S. president has made inaccurate comments in the past that California’s drought could be solved by turning on a Canadian “faucet.”

Which US companies are pulling back on diversity initiatives?
Pepsi, Goldman Sachs, Google, Target, Meta Platforms, Amazon, McDonald's, Walmart, Ford, Lowe's, Harley-Davidson, Brown Foreman (Jack Daniels), John Deere, Tractor Supply.

Can this 'burnt toast'-like substance be a key tool in the fight against climate change?
Companies and countries are turning to biochar, and some people are making it in their own backyard.

Where the Savior Fish Still Swims
In an era of collapse, a fabled fish keeps coming back to Nisg̱a’a nation.

What climate change means for bird flu — and the soaring price of eggs
Extreme weather is shifting the migratory patterns of birds, increasing the chances of deadly avian flu outbreaks on farms. 

Coastal Peregrine Falcons’ Mysterious Decline
In North America, coastal populations of the once-embattled bird are missing, and no one is quite sure why.

Oil major BP to slash renewable spending and double down on fossil fuels in strategy reset
British oil major BP on Wednesday announced plans to increase annual oil and gas investment to $10 billion through 2027 as part of a fundamental strategic reset.

EPA urges White House to strike down landmark climate finding
Trump officials are weighing whether to repeal the “endangerment finding,” which says that greenhouse gases pose a threat to public health and welfare.

USDA rolls out $1B plan to fight bird flu after egg prices rise
The U.S. Department of Agriculture announced Wednesday it plans to spend up to $1 billion in Commodity Credit Corporation funds to try to reduce the spread of highly pathogenic avian influenza in poultry.

These news clips are a selection of weekday clips collected in Salish Sea News and Weather which is compiled as a community service by Mike Sato. To subscribe at no cost to the weekday news clips, send your name and email to msato(at) .Your email information is never shared and you can unsubscribe at any time.

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